
How to get the service account by using T-SQL

You have the sysadmin privilege in the SQL Server instance, for some reason you need to check the service accounts executing the database engine, agent, and other services. All we know you can get the answer from SQL Server Configuration Manager, but you need to login the Windows OS in the database server first, which is little bit inconvenient. Even more it's the system engineer team in charge of maintaining Windows server, not you, and they don't let you login the OS. Since SQL Server 2008R2 SP1 we have a documented DMV sys.dm_server_services gives us information about the SQL Server, Full-Text, SQL Server Launchpad service, and SQL Server Agent services in the current instance of SQL Server.

As you can see in the result, this DMV also returns the startup type, running status, and other useful information about the services.

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