
Transaction Log Disk Full due to Transactional Replication Not CatchUp

Problem Description:
When there are some bulk data operation (e.g. bulk data insert/update, create index/reindex, program bug leads to huge amount of updated rows) on a database publishing transactional replication, log reader agent may not catch up the bulk data operation. Transaction log of the affected DB cannot be truncated even log backup taken, until the log reader agent catch up the updated data. (Ref. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317375 - section: Unreplicated transactions).

Emergency Resolution:
1. Assign extra transaction log space from another disk (if available, to buy time);
2. Stop the Log Reader Agent on the DB in Management Studio, by Right-Click the affected Publications, View Log Reader Agent Status, Click Stop;
3. Clear the pending replication commands in transaction log:
EXEC DB..sp_repldone @xactid = NULL, @xact_segno = NULL, @numtrans = 0, @time = 0, @reset = 1;
4. Drop all publications in DB:
EXEC DB..sp_droppublication 'all';
5. Disable Replication Publisher role of DB:
EXEC sp_replicationdboption 'DB', 'publish', 'false';
6. Check DB transaction log truncation NOT blocked by 'REPLICATION' again:
SELECT name AS DB, log_reuse_wait_desc FROM master.sys.databases;
7. Backup Transaction Log again to free space;
8. DBCC SHRINKFILE to shrink transaction log file (if required).

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