
Checking the conflict row in Transactional Replication

Data conflict of a single row among the publication database and subscription database will lead to the whole transactional replication being suspended. The replication monitor sometimes only return the xact_seqno (transaction sequence number) and the command_id of the conflicted data row. Below stored procedure helps you to check which row is in conflict:

USE msdb
CREATE PROCEDURE viewReplicationErrorCommand
@transaction_sequence_number nchar(22),
@command_id int

CREATE TABLE #tmpReplErrCmd (
xact_seqno varbinary(16) NULL,
originator_srvname sysname NULL,
originator_db sysname NULL,
article_id int NULL,
[type] int NULL,
partial_command bit NULL,
hashkey int NULL,
originator_publication_id int NULL,
originator_db_version int NULL,
originator_lsn varbinary(16) NULL,
command nvarchar(1024) NULL,
command_id int NULL

INSERT #tmpReplErrCmd EXEC distribution.dbo.sp_browsereplcmds
@xact_seqno_start = @transaction_sequence_number,
@xact_seqno_end = @transaction_sequence_number

SELECT * FROM #tmpReplErrCmd WHERE command_id = @command_id

DROP TABLE #tmpReplErrCmd


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