
Implement Excel style Rolling Calulation by T-SQL

Excel is a great tool to implement financial calculations, especially rolling calculation, which the value of a column in a row is based on the value of previous rows. E.g.

Such calculation can also be implemented in SQL Server, but many developers may do it by using CURSOR, which is not a effective way, if the number or rows is huge, then the processing time can be very long.
Below is the sample code of an effective implementation by using CROSS APPLY in T-SQL:
DECLARE @nonno TABLE (eDate date NOT NULL, result float NULL, perf float NULL)

INSERT @nonno (eDate, result, perf)
VALUES('20100104', 21823.28, NULL),
('20100105', NULL, 0.00485),
('20100106', NULL, 0.01846),
('20100107', NULL, 0.00129),
('20100108', NULL, 0.01022)

UPDATE @nonno
SET result = COALESCE(t1.result * t1.perf * (1 + t.perf),t.result)
FROM @nonno AS t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT MAX(result) AS result,EXP(SUM(LOG((1+COALESCE(perf,0))))) AS perf
FROM @nonno
WHERE eDate < t.eDate

SELECT [eDate],[result],[perf] FROM @nonno

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