
Update View Definition After Underlying Table Changed

One of the tasks that a SQL Server DBA/developer mostly miss out is to update the definition of all the dependent views after an underlying table changed its schema (add/drop/modify a column). Unlike the recompilation of stored procedures, SQL Server will NOT automatically refresh the definition of views in case of table schema change, you must do it manually by running the sp_refreshview system stored procedure.
But why it's easily missed out by so many DBA? Because 1) no error will be raised when you alter the table (except you have SCHEMABINDING view); 2) if the SQL developer follows a good coding practice - avoid using "SELECT * FROM...", when writing any SQL objects, including views, then even the view definition is outdated, mostly the view performs exactly the same as before (I just can say mostly, because SQL Server keeps changed its internal mechanism, and there are too much variations of your coding in the real world).
Below is an example shows why you need to run sp_refreshview explicitly:
-- Create sample table for SQL view object
Create Table ViewTable (
id int identity(1,1),
viewname sysname,
description nvarchar(max),
active bit
-- Insert sample data into SQL table
insert into ViewTable select 'SQLView1','Sample SQL View',1
insert into ViewTable select 'SQLView2','Example T-SQL View',1
-- Create Transact-SQL View in SQL Server
Create View ViewTableList
select * from ViewTable

SELECT * FROM ViewTable -- read data from database table
SELECT * FROM ViewTableList -- read data from SQL view object

Alter Table ViewTable Add CreateDate datetime
SELECT * FROM ViewTable -- Select data directly from database table
SELECT * FROM ViewTableList -- Select data from non-updated view

Execute sp_refreshview 'ViewTableList' -- refresh view definition in SQL Server

SELECT * FROM ViewTable -- Select data directly from database table
SELECT * FROM ViewTableList -- Select data from updated view

Anyway, do it manually can prevent any uncertainties. Keep this step as one of your DBA practices.

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