
SQL Server Audit Retention

In on-premises SQL Server, the builtin retention policy of SQL Server Audit can only based on size and number of audit files. But almost all companies require to retain security log by days rather than log size. Below picture illustrates the builtin retention that provided by SQL Server.

So how can you set the retention by days? It can only be done by creating a custom agent job to clear the old audit files. Below sql script is the creation script of that job:

USE [master]

USE [msdb]

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name=N'Delete Old Audit Files', @delete_unused_schedule=1;

/****** Object:  Job [Delete Old Audit Files]    Script Date: 23/11/2023 4:43:39 PM ******/
SELECT @ReturnCode = 0
/****** Object:  JobCategory [Database Maintenance]    Script Date: 23/11/2023 4:43:39 PM ******/
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories WHERE name=N'Database Maintenance' AND category_class=1)
EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_category @class=N'JOB', @type=N'LOCAL', @name=N'Database Maintenance'
IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback


EXEC @ReturnCode =  msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name=N'Delete Old Audit Files',
        @description=N'Delete Old Audit Files',
        @category_name=N'Database Maintenance',
        @owner_login_name=N'dbadmin', @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT
IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback
/****** Object:  Step [1]    Script Date: 23/11/2023 4:43:39 PM ******/
EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobId, @step_name=N'1',
        @os_run_priority=0, @subsystem=N'TSQL',
        @command=N'EXEC sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 1;
EXEC sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'', 1;
EXEC xp_cmdshell N''ForFiles /P "D:\SqlAudit" /C "cmd /c DEL @PATH" /D -365'';
EXEC sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'', 0;
EXEC sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 0;
IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback
EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = @jobId, @start_step_id = 1
IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback
EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule @job_id=@jobId, @name=N'Delete Old Audit Files',
IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback
EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_id = @jobId, @server_name = N'(local)'
IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback
GOTO EndSave

The above script first set the number of audit files to unlimited. Then it create the agent job which deletes audit files older than 365 days, by using the forfiles and del windows commands. Beware that this agent job disables xp_cmdshell when it finished, so if your SQL Server uses xp_cmdshell in another part, you may need to change my job creation script.


SQL Server Service Account "Log on as a service" right in GPO

In the past month, one of my clients called me for an emergency problem, saying a production SQL Server down and cannot be started. When I check the Windows event log, I found the error as depicted below:

Saying the MSSQLSERVER service account does not have the required user right "Log on as a service.".
It's quite strange, as the "Log on as a service" right was being assigned automatically by the installer to the sql service account when the sql server was installed, and that sql server had been running well for a while.
Then I immediately solved that problem by adding the service account back to the allowed list in Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Log on as a service:

But on the next day morning, my clients called me again, saying the same problem occurred again. I found the sql service account disappeared again in the Log on as a service allowed list.

Then I checked the Microsoft KB, I found below article:
Error 1069 occurs when you start SQL Server Service
Below sentences catch my eye:
If you have already assigned this user right to the service account, and the user right appears to be removed, check with your domain administrator to find out if a Group Policy object associated with this node might be removing the right.
Ah-ha, that's a clue. I asked the domain administrator when the GPO associated with this server removed the right or not. First time the domain admin told me there's no any GPO which removes any user right. Then I insisted him to give me the GPO associated with that server. The domain admin gave me below screenshot:

Then I told the domain admin to add the sql service account into the above GPO Log on as a service allowed list. The problem resolved and doesn't occur anymore.


Statistics Reporter SSMS Extension

This month blog post I would like to introduce an SSMS extension created by someone that you can get it from the internet, what you need to do is just donate any amount you like. The Statistics Reporter SSMS extension is a handy tool that helps you to read the SET STATISTICS IO, TIME ON result returned from a query/batch execution. In a long ago previous blog post I introduce a free online tool Statistics Parser which does exactly the same thing. But while StatisticsParser.com is a web page that you need to copy your STATISTICS IO and TIME result from your SSMS into the web page, Statistics Reporter SSMS extension is embedded in SSMS so you can see the well formatted result in a new SSMS tab "Statistics Report". Installation of this SSMS extension only involve a few click on "Next" buttons, so I don't bother to show it here. Below screenshot illustrates how cool is this tool:


Finding High Memory Grants Queries using Query Store

Users are complaining the application is slow, system support engineer or developer find out the SQL Server response is slow when he tried to run a simple query using SSMS. You find the CPU loading is not high, so you as a DBA you wonder it's memory pressure, and you are right. By checking the Memory Consumption report, you see the Page Life Expectancy is low (just a few seconds PLE). You run the Paul Randal's SQL Server Wait Statistics (or please tell me where it hurts…) wait stats checking script, RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE wait is the top wait, meaning queries were waiting for memory grants so it can begin executing. Memory grants are used for performing query operations like sorts and hashes. You are asked to identity which queries in the SQL Server requested high memory grants. You want to look at historical query data that can survive plan cache removal and server restart. In this case, the Query Store feature and its DMVs are able to help you. Firstly, you need to enable query store for each user-databases (by default it's off).

-- Enable Query Store on each user-database
EXEC sp_MSforeachDB '
USE [?];
IF DB_NAME() NOT IN (''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')

Let the daily workload runs for a while, so query data and wait statistics are populated into the query store on each database. Then you can run the following diagnostic query which check all the query stores on every database.

EXEC sp_MSforeachDB 'USE [?]; SELECT TOP 5 DB_NAME() AS DB, MAX(qtxt.query_sql_text) AS sample_sql_text, MAX(p.query_id) AS query_id
   ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), SUM(rts.avg_query_max_used_memory) / 128) AS avg_mem_grant_used_mb
   ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), SUM(rts.min_query_max_used_memory) / 128) AS min_mem_grant_used_mb
   ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), SUM(rts.max_query_max_used_memory) / 128) AS max_mem_grant_used_mb
   ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), SUM(rts.stdev_query_max_used_memory) / 128) AS stdev_mem_grant_used_mb
   ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), SUM(rts.last_query_max_used_memory) / 128) AS last_mem_grant_used_mb
   ,SUM(count_executions) AS count_query_executions
FROM sys.query_store_runtime_stats rts
JOIN sys.query_store_plan p
  ON p.plan_id = rts.plan_id
JOIN sys.query_store_query q
  ON p.query_id = q.query_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.query_store_query_text qtxt
  ON q.query_text_id = qtxt.query_text_id
GROUP BY q.query_hash
HAVING SUM(rts.avg_query_max_used_memory) /128 > 5 -- greater than 5 MB
ORDER BY SUM(avg_query_max_used_memory) DESC

Below is a sample result:

You can copy the query_id column value from the above result, then open Query Store > Tracked Queries, enter the query id value to see the execution plan, then check any missing index suggestions (better view in XML to show all index suggestions) and warning.

Query Store is a feature that I always suggest that every user-databases must enable it.


Free OLTP Benchmarking tool - HammerDB

This month blog post I would like to introduce a free OLTP benchmarking tool, the HammerDB tool. HammerDB supports TPC-C and TPC-H benchmarks. It has an intuitive GUI to let database administrators to run the benchmark test with just a few mouse clicks. I will show you how to install this tool and run a benchmark test on a SQL Server.

1. Download the HammerDB installer from the official site. (https://hammerdb.com/download.html)

2. Run the HammerDB setup.exe. Choose the installation directory (by default C:\Program Files\HammerDB-X.X), then install it.

3. For convenience, create a shortcut to the C:\Program Files\HammerDB-X.X\hammerdb.bat file, as it does not create a shortcut on the Start menu.

4. Create a placeholder database for the hammerdb benchmark. For simplicity, set the database SIMPLE recovery mode, proper initial sizing and autogrowth size, e.g.
( NAME = N'HammerDB', FILENAME = N'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\HammerDB.mdf' , SIZE = 2097152KB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )
( NAME = N'HammerDB_log', FILENAME = N'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\HammerDB_log.ldf' , SIZE = 524288KB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )

5. Run hammerdb.bat to open the GUI of the benchmarking tool. You can see this tool supports Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB.

6. Double-click SQL Server, select TPROC-C, click OK.

7. Expand TPROC-C, expand Schema, double click Options. Enter the SQL Server name and login information. Enter the name of the placeholder database that you just created. Select the "Number of Warehouses" and "Virtual Users", which determines the intensity of the workload.

8. Double click Build, this tool will populate the database with sample data.

9. Fix the error if you get any. (In my case, I download and install the ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server, then run again the schema build). You should see the virtual users in the hammerdb tool are running. And in your database, there are sample tables and data populated.

10. Once all virtual users are completed, click the RED square button on the top menu bar. Which destroy the virtual users, so you can continue the next step.

11.  It is recommended to backup the database, as this data population process is time consuming, and the backup gives us an exact dataset to perform future comparison.

12. Expand Driver Script, double click Option. By default, ‘Timed Driver Script’ is selected. Click OK to close this option window.

13. Expand Virtual Users, double click Option. Select the number of virtual users. Make sure NOT to check ‘Show Output’, as it can slow the actual benchmark results considerably.

14. Double click Create under Virtual User to create the virtual users for the test.

15. Double click Run under Virtual User to start the load test.

16. You can see the Timed test is running by the virtual users. Also in SSMS, you can see the tables are populating.

17. Once the test completed, you can see the Virtual User 1-MONITOR says "Test complete. TEST RESULT : System achieved XXXX NOPM from XXXX SQL Server TPM".

TPM stands for Transactions per Minute and cannot be compared between different database vendors. This value cannot be consistent between database vendors as different platforms report different transaction rate metrics, e.g. Oracle reports user commits + user rollbacks, whereas SQL Server reports Batches/sec. Also note that HammerDB reports all transactions occurring in the database and therefore if other workloads are taking place these will be shown in the TPM figure as well. For consistency across databases see NOPM. NOPM stands for New Orders per Minute and is a vendor/platform independent value extracted from the schema itself. For this reason NOPM reported at the end of a timed test is the only way to compare OLTP performance across different database platforms.

Now you can restore the database on another SQL Server, run the same test, and compare the test result to see which configuration is performance optimized.



This month blog post I would like to talk about another easily overlooked but very useful tool in SQL Server, the sp_validatelogins stored procedure, which lists out Windows (and Active Directory) users and groups that are mapped to SQL Server logins but no longer exist in the Windows (and Active Directory) environment. Now let's see a demo to show how it works.

In this demo, I created a new Windows user, named peter, in my laptop DESKTOP-LJND0A5. Then I created a SQL Server login DESKTOP-LJND0A5\peter for this Windows user.

Run the sp_validatelogins, you should see no result. 

Now let's remove the Windows user.

Run sp_validatelogins again, now you can see the removed user DESKTOP-LJND0A5\peter in the stored procedure's result.

Now you should remove the orphaned SQL Server login. Orphaned login is one of the vulnerabilities that can be used by malicious users to attack your valuable production databases. And that is why some companies avoid adding Windows user directly into SQL Server login, while only allows Windows group to be added into SQL Server.


TSQL Anti-Pattern Scanning Free Tool - TSQLLint

This month blog post I would like to share a free tool for scanning anti-pattern in T-SQL code, the TSQLLint which can also be integrated into SSMS. Below steps show how to install and use it. You only needed to install it in your machine, unnecessarily in the SQL Server.

1. Download and install the latest .NET for Windows (.NET 6.0 or higher). 

2. Open a Command Prompt, run below command:
    dotnet tool install --global TSQLLint

3. Find the location where the tsqllint.exe installed, it should in the Path environment variable.
    E.g. %USERPROFILE%\.dotnet\tools

4. Open SSMS -> Tools -> External Tools...

5. Enter the following:
    - Command: full path including EXE name
    - Arguments: $(ItemPath)
    - Initial Directory: put the folder path without exe name
    - Check Use Output window
    - Title: tsql-lint

6. Now you can try to use it. Open the sql script file you want to check in SSMS, then run the tsql-lint external tool. You will see the scanning result in the output window. Double-click a result row it will bring you to the corresponding line of code.

Let's share this tool to T-SQL developers!


Connection Timeouts in Multi-Subnets Availability Group Listener

This month blog post I would like to share a connection timeout issue that one of my client encountered and fixed by me. The client has some Crystal Reports connect to a MS SQL database in an availability group, through the availability group listener, which has multi-subnets IP addresses. The client found the reports intermittently connection timeout in the MS SQL database. According to this Microsoft documentation, 1) To resolve this situation when the data providers support the MultiSubNetFailover parameter, add the MultiSubNetFailover parameter to your connection string, and set it to true. 2) To resolve this situation when your legacy clients cannot use the MultiSubnetFailover property, you can change the listener's RegisterAllProvidersIP value to 0 (and lower the HostRecordTTL value if required). As the client found the application's data provider doesn't support the MultiSubNetFailover connection string parameter, I can only help them by disabling the RegisterAllProvidersIP in the AAG listener. Here comes the steps to do:

1.  Open PowerShell command window using Administrator privilege.

2. Run command Get-ClusterResource to get the AAG listener cluster resource name (it should be AagGroupName_ListenerName).

3. Run command Get-ClusterResource <AAG listener cluster resource name> | Get-ClusterParameter RegisterAllProvidersIP to get the current value of this parameter. It should be 1 if you create the AAG listener by using SSMS.

4. Cross check that the AAG listener registered all its multi-subnets IP addresses in DNS, by running nslookup <listener name>. Below screenshot illustrates steps 1 to 4:

5. Run command Get-ClusterResource <AAG listener cluster resource name> | Set-ClusterParameter RegisterAllProvidersIP 0 to disable the register all IP cluster parameter in the listener cluster resource.

6. For simplicity, failover the AAG to make this change takes effect.

7. Run command Get-ClusterResource <AAG listener cluster resource name> | Get-ClusterParameter RegisterAllProvidersIP to double check the parameter set to 0, and nslookup <listener name> to double check the listener now only registered one active IP in DNS. Below screenshot illustrates steps 5 to 7:

Happy Labour Day!


SQL Server Setup using Configuration File

This month blog post talks about another overlooked feature of SQL Server. SQL Server Setup can generate a configuration file based upon your inputs during you run the installation GUI. After that you can reuse the generated configuration file to deploy SQL Servers throughout the enterprise with the same configuration. It helps you to standardize installations throughout the enterprise. Here comes a demo showing how to use configuration file to install a stand-alone instance.

Execute sql server setup.exe > Installation > New SQL Server stand-alone installation.

Click Skip and Next buttons until reaches Installation Type > Perform a new installation.

In this demo, I'm using SQL Server 2019 Developer edition, but no matter which edition you are going to install (except express), you can still generate and use configuration file by following the same procedures stated here.

Enter the product key if you have, accept the license terms. Then in Feature Selection page, choose the features you needed. In this demo, I only chose Database Engine Services and SQL Server Replication.
Change the directories to install as you wish, for example, in D:\ drive.

Choose Default Instance or enter the Named Instance.

For performance boost, I enabled Grant Perform Volume Maintenance Task privilege which essentially enabled Database Instant File Initialization (IFI). Then I customized the server collation to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

In Database Engine Configuration page, I added current user as sysadmin, tempdb 2 data files, MAXDOP 2, and accepting recommended max server memory.

In the Ready to Install page, copy the Configuration File Path, then Click the Cancel button. 

You can open the generated .ini config file in notepad, to see the configuration values you just entered.
For example:
INSTANCEDIR="D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server"

Now close the installer program. Open a DOS command prompt, go to the sql server installer media directory, execute the sql server SETUP.EXE with config file specified, e.g.
SETUP.EXE /ConfigurationFile="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20230404_020323\ConfigurationFile.ini"

You still need to traverse through the installer GUI, accept the license terms, but this time you can see the setup already made the selections that you defined in the last time generating the config file.

Setup configuration file is not as powerful as powershell scripts such as dbatools.io, but it's a quick and easy way for MSSQL DBA to standardize installation, especially DBA likes me that not so familiar with scripting.


Configure SSRS (also Power BI) Scale-Out deployment

Reporting Services (and also Power BI) Report Server supports a scale-out deployment model that allows you to run multiple report server instances that share a single report server database (ReportServer DB). Scale-out deployments are used to increase scalability of report servers to handle more concurrent users and larger report execution loads.

Scale-out deployments consist of:

  • Two or more report server instances sharing a single report server database.
  • Optionally, a network load-balanced (NLB) cluster to spread interactive user load across the report server instances.

Reporting Services does not participate in Microsoft Cluster Services clusters. However, you can create the report server database on a Database Engine instance that is part of a FCI or AlwaysOn Availability Group (AAG).

In this blog post, I would like to show you how to configure a scale-out deployment model of Power BI Report Server. The ReportServer DB will be put in a AAG, and the two report servers connect the ReportServer DB by using the AAG Listener name.


Run the Power BI Server installer on the Report Server #1.

Configure the Report Server #1.

Use the Report Server #1 to create the new ReportServer (and ReportServerTemp) databases. The SQL Server name is the AAG Listener name.

Still in Report Server #1, configure the Web Service URL and Web Portal URL. Just apply the default settings is OK.


Now go to Report Server #2, repeat the steps above to install Power Bi Report Server. BUT change the Report Server database to "Choose an existing report server database".

After finished configuring the Report Server #2, go back to Report Server #1 SSRS Configuration Manager. In the "Scale-Out Deployment" tab, you should see two entries: the 1st entry is the Report Server #1 which is already joined, the 2nd entry is the Report Server #2 which is Waiting to Join. Click the Report Server #2, then click the "Add Server" button. The Report Server #2 will becomes joined.

Now no matter you connect to which report server instance, when you deploy reports, data sources, and make permission changes, it will also be applied to all report server instance, as they are referring to the same ReportServer DB.